1-to-1 connects patients and carers
We built the 1-to-1 service in order to make it easy for women to get accurate and efficient care when they need it by sending messages to their midwife when they aren’t in the room. By collecting the right GDPR-compliant data we can model, predict and prevent anxiety across demographic proxy-users to feed back to real patients.
1-to-1 works across a variety of touchpoints including apps for women and midwives, training scripts, and ward-level management screens. The service is currently in trial and aims to roll out across other birth wards, eventually serving other conditions as well.
An app for women
Women (and their partners) on the birth centre are supplied with a simple app for communicating with their midwives when they aren’t in the room.

An app for midwives
Midwives can receive messages, prioritise tasks, and manage their work load. The system creates visibility for staff so there is never confusion about who is responsible for each woman.

Multiple touchpoints
We approached the project with an understanding that the mobile app for women was only one small part of a larger system. We worked to make sure that each element of the wider system was simple and accessible with at least one fallback in case of failure so that no one would ever be fully out of the loop.

A holistic service
To make the pilot as inclusive as possible while also moving quickly to test the concept, we set up an iPod loan program for midwives who didn’t have an iPhone. Pre-setup iPods with reference material and protective sleeves were given out to midwives on the birth centre, making it both easy for everyone to participate and advertising the presence of the service to the uninitiated.